Tuesday 17 January 2012


Spacers cruise around the galaxy fuelled on nothing but the cheapest Mangorian Whisky and are famous for telling tall tales to the very naive and/or stupid. It should not be taken that all stories told by spacers are entirely fictitious because spacers have been places and seen things that most galactic citizens can’t even imagine; this is generally due to the fact that spacers spend more credits on booze than they do on ship repairs and keeping the ship moving is more important than having a working NaviCom.

Over the centuries of space travel, spacers have been greatly romanticised; films have been made, novels written, and ballads sung of the tales of many a spacer and their wandering ways. It’s such a shame that so few of the authors bothered to research their subject in person because if they had they would have been severely disappointed; most spacers are as romantic as a whiskey-flavoured belch.

Many a bar throughout the galaxy will have a resident spacer; this spacer may go away for a time to travel the galaxy, but they will always return to that same bar, to that same stool that no one else dare use, and there will always be a drink waiting.

There have, of course, been famous spacers, the most notable being the Gregoran, Arn Fuss-Duo. One of Fuss-Duo’s wildest claims was to have landed in the gaping mouth of a Raum-Wal, believing it to be a cave in an asteroid that he could use to shelter from pirates, and escaped to tell the tale.

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