Sunday 7 April 2013


The Katyten originate from the planet Ugpalo, and they are famous throughout the galaxy for their culinary skills. The most popular restaurant in the GSF is the Fat Squwarma, where there is an extensive waiting list; many an affluent parent has booked a table as soon as they know that they are expecting in anticipation of an eighteenth birthday celebration.

The most popular dish at the Fat Squwarma is the Squwarma that the restaurant is named after. Every person asked says that the dish tastes different to what the next person claims. When asked, the head chef states that it is just a testament to his skill to be able to satisfy so many customers with what they most desire, which raises the question of whether the Squwarma actually tastes of anything at all. The Squwarma is on found on Ugpalo and the hunting is heavily regulated, with only Katyten licensed to hunt the beast.

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