Wednesday 20 March 2013


Very little is known about the current state of the Tellurian Empire at present. They were originally introduced to the galactic community during the time of the GTU, but left GSF space some hundred years ago and entered into a period of state-imposed isolation.

When they first entered the wider galaxy, most Tellurians could not understand why the rest of the galactic community wouldn’t do things as they wanted, or thought was best. This never led to all-out war, mainly due to the minimal size of the Tellurian fleet compared to many other space-faring races, especially the combined might of the GTU or GSF. It did, however, fuel the already growing xenophobic tendencies developing amongst the Tellurians.

The vast majority of Tellurians never leave their own space, but various rebellious teenagers, and those that think things can’t quite be as bad as the state and the older generations proclaim, will venture forth in what they believe is a defiant act of rebellion against the status quo. The empire do nothing to dissuade those wishing to leave as they are so confident that any leaving Tellurian space will soon realise that they were right all along and return home in disgust. Any non­-Tellurian ship attempting to enter Tellurian space is sent a brief automatic message ordering the offending ship to transmit an authorisation code; all ships unable to enter the code are destroyed by an array of automated drones.

Some within the GSF believe that the Tellurians are simply building up their military might for a full-scale invasion to remove the stain of all other sentient species from the galactic map. To sway these fears, the Space Corps maintains a surveillance net around Tellurian space to monitor any unusual activity. They also send the occasional unmanned stealth drones deep into Tellurian space and have yet to see any evidence of military build-up. Recent galactic events have only reinforced this belief, and that the destruction of humanity was merely a precursor to full-scale invasion.

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